Yellow cylindric blind box packaging, with Japanese script and text that reads "Smiski Dressing" with an illustration of a simple, light green character pulling on a green sweater.
6 different pictured variations of Smiski: Dressing, including Smiski underpants, Smiski struggle, Smiski loose pants, Smiski putting on socks, Smiski sweater, and Smiski tight pants.
7 different glow in the dark Smiski figures, all getting dressed in various poses.

Smiski - Dressing Series Blind Box (Glow-in-the-Dark)

Regular price $ 10.00

Measures about 3 inches tall. 


Smiski are curious little creatures that love hiding in small spaces and corners of your room.

Although they like to stay hidden, you might discover one at night as they mysteriously glow in the dark.

It is interesting to see the many types of Smiski all with different personalities and character.

However, just why they exist in the first place, nobody quite knows....

6 kinds in total + 1 Secret Smiski to look out for!

Smiski come packaged randomly in blind boxes. You won't know which one you will get until you open the box!